Staying Rooted at UNBC
Adventist Christian Fellowship (ACF) is about the mission of God through the Seventh-day Adventist Church on non-SDA college and university campuses. It is a ministry of students, by students and for students, supported by local Adventist churches and resourced by Adventist Conferences, Unions, and the North American Division. All this because when we reach the campus, we help change the world!
Amidst a secular environment, a group of young adult students from the University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC) came together to create a setting on campus where SDA students (whom may or may not have connected with the local SDA Church) can make friends with likeminded believers. A safe place where doubts can be expressed without reproach, where curious friends of all faiths can safely get to know their Adventist friends, and all are invited to grow together in God’s word.
It is with this mission in mind a chapter of ACF was started at UNBC, located in Prince George. On Clubs day at UNBC, 24 people signed-up, the majority of students from other faiths. The Student Led Organization is called Rooted ACF, and “as we stay rooted in Christ, we seek to grow physically through sports, purposefully through community service, and spiritually through Bible study”. Through the support of the Prince George SDA Church and the Prince George SDA Youth Leaders, Rooted ACF has been able to live out their mission, with volleyball games every Sunday from 4-6pm, helping with a winter wheel swap for church and community, and most recently organizing a Week in Spiritual Emphasis (WISE) on campus from November 13 to 18.
The WISE theme was “More About Jesus”, studying through the bible on how to have a meaningful relationship with Jesus. Rooted ACF concluded their week in spiritual emphasis with Friday vespers, Sabbath Church Worship, and Saturday Games Night, at the Prince George SDA Church. Here are some testimonies from Rooted ACF on their week of prayer experience:
“This past week has really been a blessing. It was really nice getting together with fellow Christians to learn more about the Word of God. The lessons we were taught were very touching and through the lessons, many questions I had were answered. No matter how busy our days are, we should always spend time with God. This week encouraged me to spend more time with God and to strengthen my relationship with Him.” (Clementine U).
“This past week was a great experience and a source of spiritual encouragement. Although this is a busy time with midterms and assignments, I realized that taking time off for God benefits me holistically, causing me to be less stressed and more motivated. Knowing that God truly cares for me no matter the circumstance has encouraged me to strengthen my relationship with Him. Listening to other students’ experiences made me realize that we all struggle in our ways. However, as a group, we can be successful academically and spiritually when we encourage and pray for each other.” (Jadacia B).
“I would say that it really encouraged my walk with God. Definitely made me more excited for Him and helped clear up some old misconceptions that were still lurking around in my brain. I think it was also great to discuss with others and see that I wasn’t the only one that struggled with these things, like having a dynamic prayer life.” (Lucas L).
It is exciting to see how God is moving through our young adults in Rooted ACF. I believe at times studying on a secular campus (while being away from family & home church), can result in students feeling disconnected, alone, and out of place. This is why campus ministries such as ACF are invaluable ministries for our young adults. I see Rooted ACF keeping our university students rooted in Christ and empowering them as they live out their faith in real world situations. In doing so, may our students stay rooted, reach the campus, and change the world.
Written by Pastor David Rodriguez
Associate Youth Pastor of the McBride, Prince George,
and Vanderhoof SDA Churches